Hi eric, Im just bought this selfie stick..it is able to …

Comment on 36 Things China Taobao Can’t Ship Internationally by Sue.

Hi eric,

Im just bought this selfie stick..it is able to ship (air freight) this selfie stick with rechargeable bluetooth remote control to Singapore?

【手机直播支架三脚架网红主播落地式三角架户外拍照抖音拍摄自拍杆桌面懒人支撑架便携迷你多功能快手自拍神器】https://m.tb.cn/h.eGVHjXf?sm=f57daf 點£擊☆鏈ㄣ接,再选择瀏覽→噐咑ぺ鐦;或復zんíゞ这句话€eFaeYFO7nSv€后咑閞淘灬寳

Thank you


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