Hi, I apologize for taking up your time; my usual …

Comment on 36 Things China Taobao Can’t Ship Internationally by Ashley Parish.

Hi, I apologize for taking up your time; my usual agent (who uses superbuy) has told me any kind of prop sword will not clear chinese customs. I am able to purchase directly from Taobao as well, and am also willing to use any other third party method; is there ANY way I would be able to purchase this prop? Thank you very much for your time and take care!

Ashley Parish Also Commented

Comment on 36 Things China Taobao Can’t Ship Internationally

Thank you very much! I am currently inquiring with superbuy’s expert service on this specific item, I will report back on the outcome for anyone else currently searching for this topic. I can say for sure that my friend’s prop sword ordered directly from Taobao sent to the Sifang warehouse using 4px to Japan was rejected for sure. Many thanks again!

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