Hi Eric, I have been able to pay with my …

Comment on How To Buy Directly From Taobao:The Complete Guide by J.

Hi Eric, I have been able to pay with my international credit card on Taobao during the day no problem. I’ve already purchased from 6-7 sellers and all the items are shipped within China.

But all of a sudden, I kept getting this message: 您的个人信息无法通过支付宝安全验证,请确保填写准确。(yw_1128)

I then tried a second credit card and the payment got processed. So when I continued to use the second card, the same message appears again .

What I don’t understand is if there is a problem with verifying with my account , then why did all my purchases going through in the first place then it stopped?

Checked with my bank , my previous transaction all went through and there is no security hold on it. I also have enough credit on the card to buy.

Could you please help me out?

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