【泰迪熊公仔布娃娃抱抱熊大熊毛绒玩具1.8米熊猫生日礼物送女友】https://h.igxr9.com/h.C6XIk5 点击链接,再选择浏览器打开;或复制这条信息¥NQS50RXl5Aw¥后打开手淘 Hello. May I ask if this can be shipped …

Comment on 36 Things China Taobao Can’t Ship Internationally by Casey.

【泰迪熊公仔布娃娃抱抱熊大熊毛绒玩具1.8米熊猫生日礼物送女友】https://h.igxr9.com/h.C6XIk5 点击链接,再选择浏览器打开;或复制这条信息¥NQS50RXl5Aw¥后打开手淘

Hello. May I ask if this can be shipped overseas to Malaysia? Because I already paid for the item and the International shipping 5 days ago and the warehouse has not sent the item yet.

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