How to Extend the Payment Period in Taobao?

Taobao system will automatically confirm the reception of goods after a certain period of time depending on the product category. The payment will be released to the seller. If the confirmation deadline is approaching but you have not received your goods, you may extend the deadline when there are only 3 days left.

1. The procedure is as illustrated below:

Go to “My Taobao” – “Purchased Items”, find your order and click to view the details(订单详情).

Choose “Delay time of receipt(延迟收货时间).”


  1. For secured trading of physical items (such as physical tickets), with the condition that the seller has already dispatched the goods, the buyer may extend the delivery confirmation deadline when there are only 3 days left.
  2. For secured trading of physical items, you may request to extend the delivery confirmation deadline only once, and for an extension of 3 days.
  3. For virtual trading (excluding auto delivery and reloads), with the condition that the seller has already sent out the goods, the buyer may extend the delivery confirmation deadline when there are only 1 day left.
  4. For virtual trading, you may request to extend the delivery confirmation deadline only once, and for an extension of 1 day.

2. Can i still request a refund after payment has been released to the taobao seller?

yes,you can still claim a refund by click “申请售后” or open a dispute by clicking”投诉卖家”

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