Hi Eric, Can you help me please. I don’t know …

Comment on Taobao International Shipping: Everything You Need To Know by Katie.

Hi Eric, Can you help me please. I don’t know what this means? I am trying to buy a hockey jersey.
异常类型: 违禁品

异常说明: 很抱歉,您的包裹因违禁品原因无法正常入库,请速与广东中山速递集货商联系

异常件重量: 0.401 KG

异常件状态: 待处理

请选择: 放弃异常件 集运商会摧毁异常件,若订单内还有其他正常件,会保留正常件
寄回异常件 配送商将异常件或整个订单退回卖家卖家或者某个地方,您需要根据异常件的重量,支付卖家运费

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