Hi there, I ordered a bunch of clothing from Taobao …

Comment on How To Buy Directly From Taobao:The Complete Guide by Erin.

Hi there, I ordered a bunch of clothing from Taobao with the global consolidation service to be delivered to Malaysia. One of the items appears to have been sent to the warehouse already, but when I check the logistics page, it says 当前转运状态:您已支付转运费,转运商正发货至海外,您可以 查看转运物流详情
温馨提示:如果转运货物耗时较长,请注意自动打款时间,您可以延长收货时间 / translated into saying I’ll have to pay freight forwarding? When I open the logistics page for the item on my mobile Taobao app it says I have to pay an additional 4 yuan for shipping + select a delivery time. I can’t seem to find the page to pay for it on the PC website, and I can’t do it on mobile because I can’t read Chinese. What do I do? I thought domestic shipping charges were supposed to be included during the first round of payment for the goods.

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