Hi eric! I’ve read the chinese version of the list …

Comment on 36 Things China Taobao Can’t Ship Internationally by vera.

hi eric! I’ve read the chinese version of the list of sensitive items and could not find humidifier on the list. May i know if it would be okay for me to still purchase them especially since they are the portable type which doesn’t really make them look like humidifiers.
here’s the link: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a210c.

also i would like to purchase this shoe heating device and i’m not sure if it is acceptable
link: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0d.6639537.1997196601.105.66727484Jo1WQF&id=607464202025

lastly, is it more worth it to ship by air or by sea since there would be a 7%gst by sea
thank you so much

vera Also Commented

Comment on 36 Things China Taobao Can’t Ship Internationally

hi thank you for your reply. I have tried contacting the forwarder however they did not reply to my question. they always give me an automated response on how chewing gum is not allowed in singapore or the list of things prohibited in chinese which doesn’t seem to show humidifier. I’m quite confused on what to do.

Comment on 36 Things China Taobao Can’t Ship Internationally

oh sorry just to add may i know if this vegetable slicer is allowed too?
link : https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0d.6639537.1997196601.4.66727484Jo1WQF&id=530797095238

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