Hi Eric! I am having an issue where i had an …

Comment on How to Return the Goods from Warehouse to Taobao Seller? by Lyn.

Hi Eric!
I am having an issue where i had an abnormal package and i filled out the refund request for the seller. They accepted and gave me the return address. When i go to inform the warehouse, it is in ‘abnormal package’ and not in the ‘return to seller’ option, so I have zero way to contact SF Express as I do not live in China…I contacted the seller and they told me to just fill out the return logistics form and that the warehouse would send it back, and taobao customer service informed me that the seller should contact SF Express.

it states this on the main order page: 很抱歉,您的包裹因禁运品原因无法正常入库,请联系客服处理

It says this on logistics…which I’ve done.. 包裹因含不可运商品被集运仓拒签,请联系卖家并申请退款

What should I do at this point? Thank you for this thread, it has been very helpful!

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