Hi eric, do u know what this mean? why my package been …

Comment on Taobao Global Direct Shipping: Review and Guide by pengat.

hi eric,

do u know what this mean?
why my package been store in the warehouse
im purchased using taobao global direct shipping.

发货方式: 快递
物流公司: 韵达快递
运单号码: 3956010151735
2017-04-01 10:33:15您的订单开始处理
2017-04-01 11:16:32您的订单待配货
2017-04-01 11:35:28您的包裹已出库
2017-04-01 20:10:50在广东海丰县公司进行揽件扫描
2017-04-01 20:58:50在广东海丰县公司进行下级地点扫描,即将发往:广东东莞网点包
2017-04-02 03:24:04在分拨中心广东东莞分拨中心进行称重扫描
2017-04-02 03:53:03从广东东莞分拨中心发出,本次转运目的地:广东东莞沙田公司
2017-04-02 08:19:59在广东东莞沙田公司进行派件扫描;派送业务员:中通中集仓;联系电话:13757398149
2017-04-02 11:11:44您的包裹已由中通集运仓库签收
2017-04-02 11:11:44您的包裹已在中通集运仓库正常入库

pengat Also Commented

Comment on Taobao Global Direct Shipping: Review and Guide

i have 2 item in the same order but another one has been delay because stock issue & has been notify by seller.do you know how can i proceed the delivery for this item first without have to wait for the other one?who should i contact to proceed?

Comment on Taobao Global Direct Shipping: Review and Guide

hi eric,

if i make purchased using taobao global direct shipping i dont need to make another international
delivery charge right?

but why is my item store in the warehouse for quite sometimes?

yet no notice from taobao to saying any problem regarding the item.


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