Could you give some advice? The payment release countdown will …

Comment on How To Buy Directly From Taobao:The Complete Guide by steven.

Could you give some advice? The payment release countdown will expire before order is delivered. I’ve already extended it by 3 days but that’s still not enough and I don’t know how to extend it a second time. What should I do? I’m worried there will be a problem with my order and I won’t be able to claim a refund… Is there anything I can do after the payment has been released?

Recent Comments by steven

Comment on Taobao International Shipping: Everything You Need To Know

Hi Eric. I just received my first TaoBao global consolidated shipping order thanks to the help of your guides! It was a success for the most part except that out of the 2 shoes I had ordered 1 is missing. I contacted the seller and they said my order was shipped in 2 separate packages with different tracking numbers; I traced the missing parcel number they gave me and it ended up being delivered to the warehouse 3 days after I had consolidated and paid for what I thought was my completed order. I tried messaging my forwarding agent (JCEX) but haven’t gotten a reply. What should I do? The missing shoe doesn’t even show up under my Cargo Pending Orders (待集运订单) tab…

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