Hi Eric: the main TaoBao page shows that the warehouse …

Comment on Taobao International Shipping: Everything You Need To Know by Spencer.

Hi Eric: the main TaoBao page shows that the warehouse received my package:

However, when I try to send it overseas, it gives me an error, saying it’s a “special package”? https://puu.sh/sjplM.png

If I try to check the package details, I also get an error: https://puu.sh/sjpp0.png

How can I fix this, or (apparently) contact someone at JCEX to fix this?

Spencer Also Commented

Comment on Taobao International Shipping: Everything You Need To Know

This was a 11/11 (GuangGun) sale price, so how would I contact the seller, and tell him to NOT give me a refund? Thanks.

Comment on Taobao International Shipping: Everything You Need To Know

Hi Eric:
I had electronics shipped using JCEX/Jiacheng but it turns out that they cannot ship it overseas. Is there a way to send the items back to the seller, but then have the seller ship it through EMS?

Would this require contacting the seller?


Comment on Taobao International Shipping: Everything You Need To Know

Hi, the status of my parcel is 快件已签收, 订单详情 (received), but the red button to ship says “处理转运”. When I click on it and go to consolidation, I get the error “入库异常, 特货” and cannot ship. What do I do?

11 days, 9h left. Thanks!

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